• Located in Easter Ross, near Evanton
  • Up to 10 wind turbines replacing the existing 34
  • Will include associated infrastructure – internal access roads, onsite substations, borrow pits
  • Will provide local community benefit funding
  • Extensive environmental and ornithology surveys underway
  • Public exhibitions will be carried out to share the plans with local communities and gather their feedback
  • As the combined installed capacity of the wind farm will be over 50MW, our planning application will be made under Section 36 of the Electricity Act (1996) and will be determined by Scottish Government Ministers


At the moment we are considering two alternative construction programmes:

  • Scenario 1 (Single Phase Construction): decommissioning of the existing turbines and construction of the repowered turbines and associated infrastructure is undertaken in the same construction phase.
  • Scenario 2 (Two Phase Construction): a phased approach to construction which would likely involve two phases:
    • Phase 1: Construction of three of the repowered turbines and associated infrastructure to connect into the existing Novar 1 Wind Farm grid connection.
    • Phase 2: Construction of the remaining (up to) seven repowered turbines and associated infrastructure to connect into the additional grid connection.